The Age of Xester

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A collection of screenshots from the old website. A very clean and reliable custom CMS called Xester written, without borrowing any substantial third party code, in PHP and MySQL.

I started to build it on Wednesday, March 5, 2003 (see this Web Archive record), abolishing an even older system of just folders and HTML pages (built since Thursday, December 12, 1996). It had a huge number of nifty features, including

Over the time I made 604 heavily interlinked pages in this system (and many of them had countless sub-pages or variants, of course), plus a few special pages such as list of last updates, created, accessed, popular, orphans, tree roots and leaves, etc.

It was a pretty complete CMS. One of the notable shortcomings was the use of old character set Windows-1250 instead of Unicode (UTF8), no tagging, lack of real content types (every content was a page), and, of course, that any bug had to be found and fixed by me, and any new features had to be written and maintained by me as well. Therefore, after testing various open source CMS systems (including Mambo/Joomla and TikiWiki), in 2006 I started to seriously study and work with Drupal (still version 4.6) and started to place new pages and galleries in Drupal (version 5 and then 6) at (and later And I also started slowly re-working the old CMS to Drupal -- the first redirect was probably on Saturday, November 17, 2007, and I finally completely finished the transfer on Saturday, January 30, 2010, at

Sometimes I have a feeling life was easier when I knew all the code like the palm of my hand, but advantages of using a quickly evolving open source web application framework as good as Drupal has undeniable advantages in terms of extremely solid base functionality, bug fixing and support by the community, and vast amounts of contributed modules to choose from. And, it is also good to be constantly exposed to new clever (or not so much) code from others. And it's nice to develop new - and contribute to - modules knowing that thousands of people will benefit from the improvements!

OK now, forward, the Light Brigade!

Tomáš Fülöpp
Anderlecht, Belgium
March 5, 2003 ~ January 30, 2010
Tomáš Fülöpp (2012)

Tagsvacilando.orgdrupalweb designphpmysqlxestercmsprogramminggallery
LanguageENGLISH Content typeARTICLELast updateOCTOBER 20, 2018 AT 01:46:40 UTC